Dear Colleagues and Students,

As we head into the last week of the semester, I just wanted to send my best wishes to all of you as you prep for finals week and commencement. And whether you’re a faculty member heading out to do field research, a student going home and getting ready for an internship, or a member of our staff who may have no less work for the next few months but will at least find parking on campus a little easier — have a great summer! For my own part, I intend to turn 50 (with any luck at all) and spend some time with my family, while gearing up for next year at CSU. In fact, I’m drafting this note on the road, on my way to pick up my middle daughter from her first year of college.

This year has had its own set of challenges and successes, but I am so proud of how we’ve worked through various issues and the ongoing economic crisis together. I haven’t said enough how deeply appreciative I am of all the support I’ve received in my first full year as president, but I want you to know how grateful I am every day to be a part of the Colorado State community. It sounds more than a touch hackneyed, but I consider myself the luckiest man alive to have the chance to represent all of you.

In June, we’ll finalize the FY11 budget and (appropriately, tragically, ironically) immediately start work on the budget for FY12. July will bring a new round of statewide community tours, where we’ll continue to make the case for public higher education. Before you know it, summer will have flown by and we’ll be back here gathering for Ram Welcome/Convocation, the Fall Picnic, and the start of another year.

So make a point of enjoying the long, sunny days ahead — and a special congratulations from all of us at CSU to our spring 2010 graduates!


Dr. Tony Frank

P.S. I think the Cubs are pretty well-positioned for a mid-summer run, no?